Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day One - Finding Joy In Our New Healthy Products

Day One: 

I begin with my new Skin Therapy Lotion and a set of extremely dry and itchy legs and hands!
My legs look like dried out "desert skin" with cracks throughout. After just one day the deep cracks are gone. My skin is so much smoother. I am so pleased with these new products that are what I call "clean" products. Nothing harsh and nothing to hurt me.
Here is a shot with just two day of lotion applied. You can see a little of the desert skin; however, the skin is now soft to the touch, not dry and not covered with dry flakes any longer! I am pleased to say the least.
My hands were in much tougher shape. Dry, itchy and painful... Yikes, it was really bad. After the same two applications they are much better. They no longer hurt. There is NO itching and much of the dryness is gone! I will continue to watch the progress!

Day Two:

Great start to the day. All the normal morning activities we all enjoy. Then the school calls to let me know my granddaughter has become sick to her stomach please come pick her up. When I get her home and to bed... yes, she tossed up more on my cream colored carpet. Felt so bad for her.

I calmly remembered this new product I just received in my new home conversion kit. Opened the concentrated bottle and mixed it with water, sprayed it on the orangeish yellow stain. I then took my mini cleaner and sucked it up! Stain and all gone. Again I was pleasantly surprised that a cleaner with Zero Toxins could clean so easily and quickly. I didn't need to worry about the harmful odors and fumes because there were NONE!

If you are interested in these great products please let us know! We are so excited about the healthier lives we are living Toxin Free! More to follow...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cover of FORBES...
The 12 "Titans of Philanthropy" total $126 BILLION. 

I'm inspired by this photo! 

Your income is said to be the average income of your 6 closest friends!! 
Birds of a feather do flock together!! 
Attract a circle of friends that are positive people who want to help other people be all they can be!! 
What kind of people are you attracting? 

SELF-DEVELOPMENT does wonders!!

Photo (left to right): Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Peter Peterson, Leon Black, Jon Bon Jovi, Marc Benioff, David Rubenstein, Steve Case, Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen, Marc Andreessen.